Here is a guide for new players who want to improve and compete within the community. This is intended for players new to Supreme Commander, but if you are a returning player this could be useful as it provides a sound knowledge base and encourages good habits. If you need information on how to setup Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance and the FAF client, please read Setting Up FAF. Setting up Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance and the FAF client
The guide in this wiki is split into different sections, which are constantly being worked on and should provide a comprehensive coverage of the game and its various aspects. This wiki contains one complete guide to playing Forged Alliance, with the FAF client. 2.2.2 Build Orders (anything that uses RAS is outdated).1.5 Reference materials and detailed game mechanics.1.4 Teamgame and map specific information.1.2 Introduction and Basic Game Mechanics.1.1 Setting up Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance and the FAF client.